

Intimacy Alive



Intimacy Alive

You are in a safe space.

Relationships - RELATING to others can be a challenge.

But, admit it…the first thing you thought of when you saw “intimacy” was sex. It’s ok, you’re not alone…that’s what we’ve been taught.

However, INTIMACY is soooo much more than sex!

in·​ti·​ma·​cy | \ ˈin-tə-mə-sē

1: the state of being intimate : FAMILIARITY

2: something of a personal or private nature

Do you feel a little curiosity sparked?

Let’s dive deeper. Intimacy Alive is a place to explore emotional, physical and energetic intimacy - to enhance your experience of deeper relationships (whether with a partner, parent, friend, sibling, or colleague).

I truly understand that intimacy is a skill to be practiced. It is the ability to stand strong in who you are, value the unique experience you’ve lived so far, and feel seen, heard and held in your relationships. Ultimately, an alive, intimate relationship fosters a feeling of being deeply connected to yourself so that you can allow the space for deep connection to others.

Working with me, you will learn to

  • Trust your heart more fully and open to the rich emotional landscape within.

  • Let go of insecurities, judgements and conditioning that holds you back from expressing your whole self with others.

  • Step into a more embodied YOU - with clarity, comfort, and safety to be comfortable in your own skin.

Now, if you didn’t even know something like this existed - a space to explore intimacy beyond a more clinical psychological approach, it’s because we often think that if we need help with intimacy it means something is “wrong” or “missing”. However, if you need to learn a new skill, is something “wrong” with you? No, it means you have space to grow.

Exploring Intimacy takes deep, vulnerable work that we usually don’t have (or make) the time or space for. Think of Intimacy Alive as the relationship class we should have all had in school instead of memorizing something just to pass a test.

Think of intimacy exploration as a gift that accelerates new feelings of appreciation, connection and ultimately opens lines for communication.

Intimacy Alive is here to help you EXPLORE and ENHANCE your emotional, physical and energetic intimacy skills.

Imagine walking into any room and feeling magnetic, confident AND naturally in the flow of the moment. Belonging exactly where you are with whomever surrounds you.

What would it look like to feel totally free? How would it change your life to easily access your courage in tense moments? What new possibilities and opportunities would deeper connections open in your life or with your loved ones?

Intimacy Alive is the place to uncover what stands in your way of truly accepting and appreciating EVERY part of you. It’s a place where you transform and move into a new experience of fulfillment, creating positive ripples in all of your communities.

Here, we learn to get comfortable with being uncomfortable - moving into your zone of expansion - and truly embrace the power of vulnerability to change your life.


Come EXPLORE with me - check out the latest blog, follow me on IG or book a call below!


Sign up for a 1:1 Intimacy Discovery Call and we’ll start your journey of deep healing and EXPONENTIAL expansion, today.

Schedule a call, get crystal clear on your desires, and open your world to a new level of relationships.






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How Has Intimacy Alive Helped?


How Has Intimacy Alive Helped?

Client Praise

“Before working with Abby through Intimacy Alive I was confused about what direction to go in life because I found myself embarrassed and nervous with the truth about the life I was living - feeling stuck with some "bad" choices I made. I felt like my life was out of control and I was desperate to regain some happiness.

Through doing work that focuses on intimacy I learned that by letting go of trying to please everyone around me and focus on what brings me happiness, I see more value in myself. Instead of always letting my mind decide what's "right" by everyone else's standards I embraced listening to my heart more and ultimately overcame my guilt about the things I was doing to make myself happy. I stopped holding myself back, gained a deeper understanding of some things that influence the perspectives of important people in my life, and actually feel like a better person when exploring things that make me happy.” ~Julia (Buffalo, NY)

"I had two very serious, long-term relationships and they were both unhealthy, so I decided to take a year and really get to know myself. Even after all the exploration I did on my own I still felt cynical about relationships, so I sought help to go deeper. Initially I was hesitant about committing to six months of dedicated one on one self-care work because I usually have a very full schedule and I didn't want to feel overwhelmed. I was also worried about whether or not it was the PERFECT time to do it. After talking to a friend who reminded me that whether I did it now or later, neither was a bad decision I decided to make the time in my schedule and jumped in (which was pretty easy after the breakthrough during our first call when you helped me realize I was managing other people's emotions and how that had been affecting my whole life).

Since doing this work I not only believe I can be in a happy and healthy AND fun romantic relationship, I have also created deeper relationships with others in my life by embracing being vulnerable. Instead of managing everyone else's emotions, I've learned how to process my own before they become anxious or depressive. I've gotten more in touch with my inner voice and am inspired to continue acknowledging and honoring it. Also, the value of finding the courage to have difficult conversations with the people closest to me is that by setting the intention of connection rather than conflict, it helps improve the relationship rather than harming them, which was what held me back in the past. 

Intimacy used to be a dirty word growing up in a strict household - discussing physical intimacy was limited to lectures about saving sex for marriage. I didn't realize how that also translated into fear of emotional intimacy within myself and in relationship to others. I now understand intimacy as something that is welcome, desired and even NEEDED and benefits both people in the relationship. I now see how an intimate relationship with myself impacts every area of my life and this work has been more than worth the investment on every level! 

And, I'm now in a healthy romantic partnership and so grateful for opening up to this possibility. " ~Christine (Buffalo NY)

"You know that feeling of pure joy and giddiness that children have? Where you suspend your judgments and self-doubts to feel like the world is wonderful and magical? I had gotten to the point where those moments for me happened maybe a few times a year. I felt so weighed down by pressures of work, money, and life in general. After Abby led me through an exercise that connected me to what my true passion is - dance - I realized that no matter how long it had been (almost 20 years) I could start again. Abby helped me see that I can do simple, small practices that bring that joy and zest for life back to me. Since embracing my passion, I am more aligned in my work; feel excited to move to a city I've always dreamed of living in, and dancing regularly which deepens my connection to my body. It is my happy place, and I wouldn't have had the courage to express it without her!" ~Rachael L. (Toronto, Canada)


"I came to Abby with the intention of having a more open, honest conversation with my partner where our emotions and egos could be kept in check by a qualified third person. My partner and I were having trouble authentically communicating how we feel with clarity and value for the other person. Through our work with Abby, we were able to see the link between the anger, resentment, frustration and sadness we felt in the present moment and past emotional beliefs we held about ourselves. We began to see our similarities in what we desired rather than focus on our misunderstanding.

Beyond the work benefiting that one relationship, I have been able to find more kindness and compassion for myself. I was able to uplevel my capacity for love and ultimately understand my ego and emotions in a whole new way. Abby created a safe space where I felt free to feel whatever came up without fear of hurting myself or my partner. Our work together helped create a sense of clarity amidst a foggy storm. I would strongly recommend working with Abby, you will not regret it!" ~Steve B. (Buffalo, NY)

"I was hesitant to try coaching because I was worried it would be one more thing on my list of over-committments, but the few hours a month I've invested in meeting with Abby have actually helped me to create MORE time for myself. Through our work I've recognized that giving attention to one area in my life impacts every arena of my life.  I always feel so much more positive and centered after our meetings and come away with ideas I can apply in any situation I find myself in; the things Abby has helped me with in my personal life translate to the working world and vice versa.  Thank you for helping me to see these connections!" ~Chrissy (Buffalo, NY)

"Abby has a unique way of thinking outside the box. Anytime I feel stuck - like there is no way out or am only seeing one side - she has the ability to look at the situation from multiple dimensions and encourage me to find a solution that feels good. I was in a tough point in my long-term relationship and she helped me bring back my curiosity. I learned that two people are still capable of exploring new parts of each other no matter how many years we've spent together. Even more importantly, she reminded me that I need to stay curious about myself." ~Kahley C. (Buffalo, NY) 

"Abby is a powerful coach. Her intuition to feel into your situation helps uniquely identify what's underneath your words and often time what you're too afraid to express. She provides guidance that gets to the heart of what you need, beyond what you expect. Abby creates a safe space and is a breath of fresh air while traveling with you down any path you need. She really can provide you with clarity and action to transform your life." ~Kavita P. (NYC) of

My session with Abby encouraged me to further explore and embrace my emotional development and know that it is ok to feel what I am feeling - all feelings are ok. I felt supported, welcomed, and able to connect in a way that allowed me to sit in sometimes uncomfortable moments. Our work together allowed me to become aware of established routines and thought patterns that were old habits and shift them to facilitate awakening in ways that will help me move forward towards what I want. I am very grateful for the opportunity to work with Abby! ~Paul S. (London, England)


My Story

My Story

My Story

My Story

What we know matters but who we are matters more.
— Brene Brown, Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

Intimacy to me means a deep connection to Self, a willingness to stay open in uncertainty, and the ability to share that Self with others by being present, honest and appreciative.

After years of living in New York City, dating regularly trying to find an amazing physical connection and a deeply supportive emotional connection with a man and not feeling fulfilled, I finally realized I had to be missing something. I was only experiencing half of what I wanted with each man I met, but the only thing those men had in common was me. So, I let go of that path to 'get a guy' and found myself exploring my relationship with myself - understanding how I approach relationships, where I learned about love, where I've 'gone wrong' (I say that tongue-in-cheek because now I believe there is no 'wrong'), and ultimately learned to deeply appreciate myself. I've cultivated a relationship with my emotions and my body that is satisfying and supportive. I have even found that 'man of my dreams' with my commitment to being fully myself. Through my continued journey of intimacy exploration, I'm able to be more present with everyone in my life - friends, family, colleagues - and I am proud of the direction my life is taking. I embrace the ups and downs that naturally arise relating in the everyday world and experience more ease in showing up as my whole self wherever I am. I no longer judge my worth by external factors and am incredibly grateful my work in the world helps others experience similar grace.